Where can I find the Reimbursement support documentation ?
+1 450-626-2273 | 24/7 USA reimbursement support phone line
- | USA Dedicated Reimbursement Support E-mail
Warranty period | What does it cover?
Product Details
What prevents the product from slipping?
Does it work with any type of suspension method?
Which type of activities the Overlay is made for?
How can I inflate the Overlay?
How do you completely deflate the product, or why is it not deflating well?
Why is the air expansion system / the air cells positioned at the back?
Does it require any adjustment on the prosthesis?
How can I have customer support?
Is the Overlay suitable for use with a particular medical condition or patient population?
What kind of maintenance or cleaning is required for the Overlay and how often must it be performed?
Are there any safety considerations or precautions that healthcare professionals and patients should be aware of when using the Overlay?
Can the exit valve break or pierce the suspension sleeve ?
What happens if my Overlay Breaks?